Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I Found Out Who My Host Family Is!

I got a letter on Monday from SYA. When I opened it, there was this big long letter from the SYA Program Director (or something), and then on the back there were just a few short lines telling me the most minimal information about my host family.

I know their last name.
I know their street.
I know one of their email addresses.
I know their phone numbers.

I googled them, Facebook searched them, google-mapped them, and all I've come up with is this:

I don't have any host brothers or sisters.
I live in the middle of Rennes, very close to Parliament.
I live in an apartment.
I'm 15 minutes away - walking distance - from school.
That's about it.

Isn't this so exciting?! I've also been talking to all 59 (quite a bunch!) of the SYA France students, and we've mapped out all of our houses, and the school. I may or may not meet up with a couple of semi-local (Connecticut and surrounding states) students before we go to France together. 56 DAYS!